In order to fully leverage the advantages offered by a Contingent Workforce Management (CWM) solution, businesses must first evaluate their readiness to partner with a CWM provider. The introduction of a CWM solution can have significant implications for various aspects of your organization, including its culture, change management, supply base, and end-users. To ensure a seamless implementation and achieve excellent outcomes when considering a CWM solution, you should address the following key questions:
Begin by understanding your organization's workforce needs. Consider factors such as hiring volume, skillsets required, and geographical locations where you need talent. If you were to engage a CWM provider, what specific areas would you want the solution to target?
Assessing your readiness for a CWM solution involves identifying your program's end-users. Are they willing to work within the CWM systems and Vendor Management System? Does the CWM solution align with their needs, and what value will it bring to them? Are you prepared to implement a training plan to help end-users adapt to the CWM partnership?
Engaging key internal stakeholders is critical to the successful delivery of any CWM solution. Identify the stakeholders who would be affected, involved, or interested in the CWM solution and its outcomes. This could include departments such as HR, Procurement, Legal, Risk, Finance, IT, and business operations.
Examine the consensus on the primary outcomes of CWM. Ensure that all key stakeholders agree on the relative importance of the following benefits in improving your contingent workforce strategy:
Evaluate your organization's readiness for change by considering the following questions:
By addressing these questions comprehensively, your organization can better prepare for a successful transition to a Contingent Workforce Management solution, ensuring that you maximize the benefits and minimize potential challenges.